Monday, June 11, 2012

Ah yes, nerding out...

Okay, I admit it. I’m a huge nerd. I love videogames and new gadget tomfoolery. Lucky for me, this is a country chock full of nerds! Literally everyone here is a nerd: my post-doc mentor, random security guard, even the grandma with the PSP on the train!

To feed this insatiable need for technology, Singapore has an annual event called the “PC Show.” At the height of nerdiness, my friend, Isham, and I went so that he could replace his desktop’s motherboard so that he could play Diablo 3.

Turns out, it wasn’t really a “show.” More like a giant sale. In fact, it makes Black Friday seem like a casual shopping experience. 

This is the crowd...
to get to this line.

As it also turns out, this tech-craze doesn’t just encompass the latest and greatest either.
Don't mind the random stranger.

POW! That’s right! They still got arcades here, straight out of the ‘90s…

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ah yes, tea in a bag...

Cup?! You want a cup?! Cups are so not feng shui! We drink out of bags here!

Related: I laugh in the face of sharp, pointy objects!

Ok fine, I don't actually know anything about feng shui or the fine art of interior design and I'm pretty sure tea in a bag has nothing to do with them. Regardless, it seems that unless you go to a 7/11, McDonalds (and its American buddies), or a place that serves hot drinks, you get a bag to take your cool, refreshing drink with you.

So yes, that is a bag of iced tea. A "tea-bag" if you will (forgive me pun-gods!). I went around "tea-bagging" (giggles from the 12 year old CoD players).

Anyway, I will now voice my definitive, professional opinion on drinking out of a plastic bag:

Your hands don't get cold.
You can put junk in the bag when you're done.
You can make bad puns about it.

You can't put it down.
Beware sharp, pointy objects!
Scratching your head with bag in hand is a bad idea.
Difficult to throw your drink in someone's face should they make an awful pun.